Saturday, June 26, 2010

Garbage Burritos

Some people have heard me talk about them. Two people have had them. I find them quite yummy.

Hopelessly Dirty...

So this container veggie garden is really fun. My brood of plants seems to multiply every weekend. But it is SO rewarding, and I started working with seeds today. There's a hair less satisfaction by seeing pots full of soil instead of healthy transplants, but seeds are dirt (ha!) cheap and you get tons for a dollar or two. I couldn't help but ponder as I put all these little seeds in what an incredible world our Heavenly Father has created for us. I mean, these dinky little insignificant seeds that I can barely see know exactly what to do once they meet dirt and water. I don't believe it's coincidence.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quilt Binding Tips

This came up when working on my Dresden Plate project and I thought I’d pass it along. These two techniques make things a lot easier.

SIY Dresden Plate Table Settings

It’s finished!


This is the project I mentioned last week. I had to be somewhat stingy with the details in describing it because it was actually a gift for a friend’s bridal shower. Given the mobility of pictures and information on the intertoobs, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for her. This shower came with a gift “assignment”. We were all given a time period and time of day to base our gift on. I was given the Middle Ages or 6pm, and I had no clue what I’d do with the Middle Ages other than a chastity belt, so 6pm it was. At 6pm I’m hungry. I want to eat, so there you go. Another food-themed project (maybe I should actually post a recipe so you don’t all think I’m just a pig).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fuit Salad...

Yummy yummy (just for you, Paula).

Enjoy the new look and feel of the blog! I had a lot of fun putting it together. Still a few little boogers to wipe up, but I'll take care of those as I find time :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

I've been bitten... the gardening bug. I never thought that as a lowly second-floor dweller that I could ever do anything of horticultural merit on my small patio. I had also failed in pretty much every other attempt to keep something green alive. There was the Epic Veggie Slaughter of 2007 when I killed three vegetable transplants in a weekend. Yes, I did. But, the very lovely wife of my ward's former Bishop (hi Sister McKinley!) did something very nice for me two years ago. She got me a little purple orchid for my birthday and I made a pact with myself to keep it alive.


Friday, June 4, 2010

In the Beginning

I really should have started this blog about three years ago because this will soon become the dumping ground for my assorted house/sewing/DIY/stupid stuff. Why three years ago? Because I started remodeling my house three years ago and boy did I have some bloggable moments. But I learned a lot. Maybe I'll do flashbacks every once in a while if I can find enough photos to support my musings. Like, seriously, I did some stupid stuff whilst under the spell of power tools (still do, now that I think of it...).

So, I've actually been thinking about authoring a blog for a while now to chronicle my adventures in arts and crafts and keeping my house in one piece. Perhaps it's been the twang of creativity that has been stifled by an overbooked schedule and the death of the concept of a "weekend". The only thing I've used a brush for in recent memory was to smear some rubber cement around on a project at work. I'm gonna take back my creativity, yo.